Huile d’avocat / avocado oil

An oil that can be consumed, avocado oil is extracted from the fruit of the Persea americana (Avocado).

Has various uses in other industries because to its beneficial, moisturizing, and nutritious features. Is a food oil, thus it is used as a cooking oil as well as an ingredient in recipes.

Due to its very high smoke point, this vegetable oil is excellent for stir-fries and may be used to cook at higher temperatures. In addition to destroying the flavor, heating oil past its smoke point causes many of its nutrients to break down and causes it to emit dangerous substances known as free radicals.

. We’re talking about temperatures for avocado oil of around 250 °C (482 °F) for unrefined oil (chemically untreated) and 271 °C (520 °F) for refined oil (chemically treated to make it edible), but the precise smoke point greatly depends on the processing technique.

Avocado oil benefits

health claims

Avocado oil contains both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and it has one of the highest monounsaturated fat contents among cooking oils.

It’s high in fat like olive oil, but if sometimes olive oil tastes too strong for the palate, avocado oil has a mild, smooth and buttery taste. 

It’s a mix of health:

  • vegan
  • naturally gluten free
  • dairy free
  • cholesterol free
  • anti fungal
  • anti viral
  • antibacterial
  • helps maintain a healthy blood pressure. 

Avocado oil for skin and hair

The delicious combination of vitamins and antioxidants are also incredibly useful for protecting the skin. Avocado oil can benefit in many ways due to its deep skin and hair penetration.

The fatty acids, for example, are key for regeneratingrebuilding and giving it a bouncy boost. 

The high dose of phytosterols (plant compounds) in the avocado oil, helps to prevent loss of moisture and keep skin hydrated. In addition, these antioxidants work to neutralise free radicals that attack skin cells: are photoprotective and anti-inflammatory substances that improve the appearance of the skin and retard the early aging, as well as performing a protective and restorative tissue action.

It also removes makeup naturally, moisturizes and nourishes.

Avocado oil vitamins may help to heal the dry, irritated, and flaky skin, to reduce signs of aging, and to improve nail health.Applied on the hair, avocado oil strengthens them and stimulates their growth.



Basically, avocado oil is a real cure-all for our body, both from a nutritional and cosmetic point of view. It is therefore essential to know its properties and to understand its consumption in order to increase its conscious use.

Viru has always been committed to paying attention to the quality of this product, bringing to market a unique oil with its great nutritional characteristics.

Our 100% extra virgin avocado oil, is made with avocados perfectly cultivated in our fields, and obtained by minimal processing, in order to retain the acid profile of avocado’s original fruit.

Is a product cold pressed, unrefined and bottled by hand in Peru.


– 100% Extra virgin

– No GMO

– Rich in omega 9

– High in vitamin E

– Low in saturated fat

– 0% cholesterol